Thursday, September 29, 2011


     Children, villains, darkness, all cause mischief in one way or another.  So is the name of this beer, although, I don't know what's so mischievous about it.  Does the beer go out and kill people under the blanket of darkness?  Is it plotting to overthrow our government by spray painting propaganda on the walls of government buildings, slighting the elites and throwing an egg in the face of our leaders?  The website  thinks I should keep an eye out when I drink this.  Oh, maybe I'll be the one who causes mischief because I'm drunk; like now...I'm drunk.  Oh here we go, the text under the label says: Not quite evil, yet not to be trusted, this Golden Ale is effervescent, dry, hoppy, and crisp....  So it's mischievous because it has tricks up its sleeve aye...let's see.

     Yeah so, the pour sucked.  Three inches is okay, it's not the size of the boat it's the ... nevermind.  Anyway, ideal conditions is when it is poured into a tulip glass--if you don't know what that means, think of a tulip then make it all glass.  This beer was made by Orange County's own The Bruery located in Placentia, CA.  Let's get to it.


     It has a very nice golden color--translucent and full of carbonation bubbles rising to the top to hold that head up there keeping it proud and strong.  The head was super creamy and thick and looked like ice cream completing a golden float.  The head retained very well (I'm starting to believe that's the sign of heavy tasting beers)  and was just overall pretty.  The bottling was nice as well, accolades to the graphic designer that did that...or whoever.


     Yummy hops hit me first.  Very lovely smell really, nothing else like it.  A little floral, mostly hay flavor or dried farm found plants.  I'm trying to smell other things but that hops is just wonderful.  It's like pot when you don't smoke pot.  You just keep smelling it.


     Sweet, hoppy, slightly salty.  That's pretty much it.  This ale showed as an ale and it was a well done ale.  Nothing fancy, nothing showy, just straight up ale.  It's what you expected.  The site says melon and pear and pepper spice are included, but all I tasted from that list is pepper.  There was a slight spice that hit my tongue but, truthfully, I don't taste anything of the other two.  I'll take the bullet and say I'm just unrefined in my tasting, but truthfully, eh, not there.  Also, this is a great beer to pair with food; it's in the same league as the Horny Devil Ale I reviewed recently.  Unfortunately, I didn't pair this with anything, but the site says pulled pork or something like that.  Good luck with that.

     There's not too much of a bite.  A nice dryness but not like gin.  The head is super airy (no one expects you to drink the head like I did, but for some reason it looked good so I "ate" it).  That's all I can say about that.


     Here's a suggestion:  if you want to review beer and put it online, don't review on an empty stomach, especially when the beer you're drinking is about eight percent ABV.  Since starting, I've been getting progressively more and more drunk, thus, now resulting in me mistyping all over the place--very unprofessional.  Wait, who the hell said I have to be professional?  Yeah, so what I'm drunk?  This is a good beer, though, seriously.  It's fundamental.  Not basic and cheap, but quality-wise a good ale.  Would I drink this again?  Yes--I'm having fun right now listening to music by myself (so I'm weird, I don't care).  So have some Mischief Belgian-Style Ale.  With or without food, it's a good beer and puts you in a good mood.  Thanks for reading,  get like me baby...

P.S -- For all you young guns out there who don't give a rats ass about tasting but think it's posh to drink craft beer here's some advice:  this beer is not, I repeat, NOT for tipping up over your mouth and pounding the drink like it's the last bottle of water in the world.  Seriously, I'm not discouraging you, I'm telling you that once you flip it over like that, the carbonation gathers and eventually explodes in your face. You've been warned.


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