Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mana Wheat Beer

Mana Wheat Beer

     This beer is another brew I attained from a tasting at the restaurant I work at.  This is a wheat ale brewed with Pineapple--just in case you didn't read the can.  This is a mixed review beer, that meaning, some like it, some hate it.  A lot of reviews I read on Beer Advocate are good reviews, but I disagree, but I'll share that with you later.  It's a nice can.  It has a nice color, nice graphics, and this is the first beer I've reviewed that was in a can.  The back of the can states that it is better to can beer instead of bottle them to prevent oxidation and light damage.  It is also more environmentally friendly.   Umm, okay, anyway...


     The color was a dark brownish amber color.  It was very cloudy and had a lot of carbonation bubbles streaming from the bottom.  The head was white with a slight hue of orange (although that could've been the lighting) and was about 1 1/3 of an inch thick.  It retained well and hung around until close to the end of the beer.  Again, one day I'll buy new beer glasses.


     The smell of pineapple is immediate and strong.  You know there's pineapple in there, all other smells are subtle (or imaginary).  The smell of yeast comes in second place but focus is necessary to pick it up.  There's a little bit of grain present, which I assume is the wheat, but very subtle.  


     YUCK!  I earlier said I disagreed with the reviews, or average thereof, on Beer Advocate, which was a B+.  Yes, YUCK.  I just do not like this beer.  I suppose it's because I like beer and I like beer alone--not some mutant fruit/beer science experiment.  I've drank this three times from three different packages and they all tasted the same, so it's not skunked; also, remember, the can keeps it fresher for longer.  The taste was bitter, and not bitter like beer, but bitter like canned pineapple juice that kept some aluminum to share with your tongue.  Also, they took that pineapple/aluminum and threw beer in it.  Maybe this was actually beer that spilled in pineapple juice and someone thought it was good.  Or maybe Hawaiians love pineapple THAT MUCH.  Either way it was not good to me.  The tang of pineapple ruined it and you can taste the beer and pineapple fighting each other. 


     Going down it was slimy--slimy like the feeling of pineapple juice.   It dried out during the after taste but still left a bitter taste in your mouth.  There was little to no bite from the carbonation.  Overall, the feel of it was like drinking a rotten can of pineapple juice.


     This brew won a couple awards (see: Maui Brewing Co. ) and I honestly think that  it was only because it was either the only beer in its class or there was a real lack of competitors.  I've tried a raspberry brew in Berlin by a company called Berliner Kindle which was not bad, or not as bad (which I have to say went absolutely wonderful when mixed with Absinthe), but the Mana Wheat was terrible.  A lot of people have told me they really like it, and only two others say they didn't, not including me.  Look, I like pineapples.  I like pineapple juice.  But when you decide you want to put it in your beer, shoot yourself in the mouth.   So I guess this is proof that I have a tongue and an opinion and that this blog isn't a farce where I'm trying to get cozy with beer makers for a handout (but they are accepted and encouraged).  Anyway, it's up to you to taste and make your own decision, I just give you a heads up.  Anyway, what am I, the Pied Piper?

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